Our mission is to introduce Christ to individuals in the UK by immersing ourselves in the community and building lasting relationships with the purpose of sharing the gospel and leading new believers to establish as an indigenous local church.
What do we mean by that? Introducing Christ literally means introducing individuals to the person of Jesus Christ and the good news of the gospel for the very first time in their lives. Even though the country has a rich Christian background, millions of individuals have never heard the good news. Immersing in the community and building relationships is the means we use to reach those individuals. Sunday morning service will not be our main outreach tool, rather our individual connections in the community. We will build relationships with the purpose of sharing the good news of salvation with them. That being said, the local church is still the center of our ministry. We want to help believers establish as an indigenous local church. Meaning we don’t want to start American churches. Our ultimate goal is that communities with no gospel outreach will be left with a local body of Christ that will continue to reach out into their own community with the good news.