Faithful God
There are so many lessons God has been teaching us over the past year and a half. One of them, in particular, has been inescapable. God is faithful, even when we lack faith. Over and over again He has shown us this. One of the big ways he has made this clear is in our support level. Last year we had been praying for 25% support by March of 2022. God blew that out of the water and saw fit to provide 40% by that time. We then decided we needed to have more faith, so we started praying for 60% by the end of the summer. It is now the beginning of June and we are at 64% of our support! God has made it clear that this process of deputation has nothing to do with our own abilities or plans, it is all of Him and His power. God is a good and faithful God.
I was once young and now I am old, but not once have I been witness to God's failure to supply my need when first I had given for the furtherance of His work. He has never failed in His promise, so I cannot fail in my service to Him. - William Carey
In our last update, we had a big prayer request: our van needed a total transmission replacement. We praise God that, once again, he provided in an amazing way, and we are back up and running. We praise God for his goodness, and we thank many of you who were used by Him in providing for that.
We finished up our trip from North Carolina to Kansas and then back to Iowa. Since then we have had the blessing of 3 meetings in Iowa, so we have not had nearly as much traveling in the last few weeks. We’d like to take the time to thank the pastors and church families at Altoona Regular Baptist Church, First Baptist in Russell, and Horton Baptist Church for their generosity and kindness to our family.
We spent this past week helping at VBS at Carlisle Baptist Church. Our kids had an amazing time learning about Australia, God’s amazing creation, and how His rescue plan for the Israelites in Egypt was actually a step in His ultimate rescue plan to save all of all of us from our sins. It was also great to have my brother, Trevor, and his family as the missionaries for the week!
Looking ahead, we have a couple of meetings in Kansas City followed by a couple more in Iowa. We will be the missionary family for the junior camp at Racoon River Bible Camp in July, and we are really looking forward to that new experience. Pray that God is able to use us in the coming meetings to communicate clearly, especially during our time at camp. Pray that God will work in the hearts and minds of some of these young people and for decisions to be made for Christ.
We so appreciate every one of you reading this, for your prayers, your love, and your support. Thank you!
Our van is fixed and we are back on the road.
Recent increase in support.
We will be able to attend launch seminar this year with BMM.
Safety as we travel to meetings.
More opportunities for meetings this fall.
We will be starting citizenship and visa paperwork soon. Pray this goes smoothly and without any issues.