Getting Closer
“Give thanks to the Lord,
call upon his name,
make known his deeds among the peoples,
proclaim that his name is exalted”
As we have just celebrated a time of thanks, we reflect on all the blessings we have. It is impossible for us to do that without being thankful for each and every one of you reading this. We know how much we are prayed for around the country and how many of you make sacrifices to support our ministry. We are so thankful to God for all of you. God has continued to bless as we present our ministry through deputation. This month we are encouraged to be able to report another jump in our support level, putting us at 88% of our monthly support accounted for!
At the beginning of November, we were able ot present at Grace Baptist in Chariton, IA. It was such a blessing to see many familiar faces there who knew Autumn from childhood. The following week we presented our ministry at Gretna Baptist Church in Nebraska. Once again, it was uplifting to see many people there who knew Tim from his childhood. Both of these meetings were very encouraging, and it is always amazing when God puts things into perspective and to see how He has used many people over many years to impact our lives for His purposes.
The following week we presented our ministry at First Baptist Church of Sedro Wooley, WA. That was quite a drive at about 4,000 miles round trip! However, we did have another reason for making such a long drive. We were able to spend thanksgiving with Tim’s grandparents, and we were even able to catch his parents who were visiting churches on the West Coast for furlough. The meeting was very encouraging, and the people of First Baptist in Sedro Wooley extended an invitation for us to stay in their church’s apartment for the week. Spending time with Tim’s parents and grandparents was a huge blessing, and we are so thankful for that opportunity.
God has blessed us through many of you and because of your prayers. So keep praying! At this point, we are hoping to leave for the field in the spring, after the boys have finished the school year and we have (God willing!) reached 100% of our needed support. In order to leave, we do need to receive word back from the UK government regarding our children’s citizenship applications. That process can take anywhere from 2 - 6 months, and we have not heard back since submitting their paperwork. We would greatly appreciate your prayers - that we hear something back soon and that they are all approved for citizenship!
Able to spend thanksgiving with Tim’s family
Our support continues to increase
Safety on the road
Hearing back from the UK government regarding the kid’s citizenship
Ability to fill our schedule for the beginning of next year
Ordination and commissioning service in March