Answered Prayers
Hello! We have just finished up a missions conference at Calvary Baptist Church of Redbank in Chatanooga, TN. We have had such a great time here at Calvary and see God doing amazing things around the world through this church!
God has been answering many prayers over the last couple of months for our family and we want to give him all the glory for that. We also want to acknowledge the fact that these answers to prayer are likely a direct result of all of you praying! Prayer is powerful!
Since our last update, we have had meetings in North Carolina, Ohio, and Tennessee. On August 8th, we had the priviledge to present at Goodwill Baptist Church in Kernersville, NC. Then, August 22nd, we shared our ministry at Cedar Forrest Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, NC. The last Sunday in September we spent the day at Nottingham Baptist Church in Wickliffe, OH. And as I mentioned, we were in Chattanooga, TN at Calvary Baptist from October 2nd until the 6th. We would like to send a special thank you to Pastor Greg Mullis, Pastor Brian Parrish, Pastor Tim Anderson, and Pastor Greg Powell for the opportunities to present our burden and ministry to the UK.
One of the areas we regularly ask for prayer about is our financial support. We thank God that he has answered this prayer, and we have had a new church join our team of supporters, and some others that have given positive indications regarding the future.
We also mentioned last time that we will be taking a three week survey trip to the UK in December. We will be doing a lot of traveling around the country and are praying to come away with a more clear indication of where in the country God is leading us. God has provided for this trip financially, in totally unexpected ways. Please join us in thanking Him for his faithfulness.
We have asked for prayer for our family as we endeavour to homeshool the boys. Autumn has been doing such a great job, and the boys are loving it. Thank you all for praying, and continuing to pray for us in this area.
(School in a hotel can be fun! —>)
We have had several exciting oportunities to reach out to the community around our sending church in the last couple of months. We organized a community car wash, as well as a church wide yard sale, in support of a local pregnancy center in Winston-Salem. We also were given the opportunity to hand out free school supplies at a local apartment complex. Praise the Lord that we had several visitors who were directy impacted by these ministries at our church this past Sunday for “Friend Day.”
We will be heading out on Friday the 15th for Kansas City, which is about a 16 hour drive. Pray for safety as we travel and for a productive time presenting our ministry at two different churches in Kansas.
“But truly God has listened;
he has attended to the voice of my prayer.”
Thank you all for your regular prayers and support! God has been so faithful in answering both your prayers and ours. Please continue praying and we are confident God will continue answering.